
Residents of buffalo possess a unique asset for their outdoor recreational activity. The DLW Greenway is an accessible, safe, and well-designed trail while protecting residents’ cultural values. It is a centerpiece corridor traversing multiple neighborhoods and allows people to observe the city silhouette and historical heritage from 25 feet above the street level while cycling or jogging.

Access points

Residents can get on the berm through multiple ramps, stairways, runnels, and elevators placed at critical points. Accessibility is the most challenging question in transforming a Highline railroad into an urban trail. An elevated line had been functional for rail movements as they had limited, predefined stations. But an inclusive urban trail must have multiple access points in residents’ catchment areas.


All plants are native species, including evergreens and deciduous, so people can watch seasons change. The winter garden located at Red Jacket Park provides a gathering place for winter festivals. Multiple pollinator gardens maintain biodiversity while decreasing maintenance costs. Producing trees and shrubs with berries is utilized for wildlife food.

Curved lines

Curvilinear is used to adapt the design to the terrain generally along the entire corridor, particularly when it comes to the Red Jacket Park.


The trail offers physical linkage to the existing assets, such as surrounding parks and the Buffalo River. Access to the water is designated adjacent to a half-bridge and blue-way station where people may have active recreation such as kayaking or passive sitting on fishing docks. Reddy bike-share system has a station at a short distance from the trail. Future developments must be aware of existing access points.

Active transportation

A significant percentage of residents travel less than 15 minutes to reach their destinations. As a new bone for the area, the DLW trail provides an alternative pathway for access to their job. In addition, it helps them to incorporate physical activity into their everyday life.